Species, Age and Sex Identification of Ducks Using Wing Plumage

Hooded Merganser

Sex Determination of Adults

Adult males have shiny black, unfrayed tertials with longitudinal white stripes and light gray middle and lesser coverts. Adult females have shiny black tertials with longitudinal white stripes, which, while tapering (as in males), are slightly shorter and blunter. The middle coverts of females are a blackish brown to grayish.

Age Determination

Immatures are similar in gross aspect to adult females, but immature tertials are straight and frayed at the tip and often appear brown. The middle and greater coverts usually are frayed and brown, particularly over the tertials. These feathers are smooth and unfrayed on adults.

A few immatures can be identified as males by the presence of one or more light gray middle or lesser coverts emerging among the darker feathers; however, the sex of most immatures cannot be determined.

Wing Character Male Female
Adult Immature Immature Adult
TertialBlack; with broad longitudinal white stripes at rachis; acutely pointed; curve distallyDark brown; three distal with longitudinal white stripes at rachis; shafts straight; tips acutely pointed and very frayedBlack; three distal with longitudinal white stripe at rachis; acutely pointed; curve distally
After molt: Similar to adult maleAfter molt: Similar to adult female
Tertial covertsBlack and pointedDark brown and pointed; often frayed and fadedBlack and pointed
Greater covertsBroadly banded at tips with sharply defined whiteVariably banded at tips with white which is often poorly defined and frequently with dark edgingBroadly banded at tips with sharply defined white
Middle and lesser covertsDo not cover black basses of greater coverts
Pale grey, broadly rounded over secondariesDark brown; tips often ragged and frayedBroadly rounded; dark brown but slightly paler distally

JPG-Adult male hooded merganser JPG-Adult female hooded merganser JPG-Immature hooded merganser

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